Online Price18.49$
Your Price
Price Per EACH: $0.14
$14.49 After $4 OFF
$4 manufacturer’s savings** is valid 7/9/18 through 7/22/18. While supplies last. Limit 15 per member.
Shipping & Handling Included*
- 12 Strains, 10 Billion Active Cultures†
- Helps Maintain Digestive Health*
- Supports a Healthy Immune System*
- Naturally Restores Digestive Balance*
- Gluten, Soy and Dairy Free
Item may be available in your local warehouse, prices may vary.
Product details have been supplied by the Manufacturer, and are hosted by a third party.
Product Overview
One capsule each day maintains a healthy digestive system!*
Poor diet, age, stress, travel, antibiotics and other prescription medications can enable bad bacteria to flourish in the digestion system. They can tip the healthy balance of the good-versus-bad bacteria which may leave us vulnerable to digestive upsets. Probiotics are the good or “friendly” bacteria that can help restore balance to our digestive and immune systems.5
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